March 13, 2025, 11:53 pm

The Value Of Good Manners

Md Mehedi Hasan
Published: Monday, May 29, 2023
The Value Of Good Manners

Akhlaq means disposition and character. Part of the Akhlaq is called ‘Akhlaq-e Hamidah’ (praised manners) as they are highly appreciated, such as humbleness, courage, generosity, and truthfulness. Some part of it is called ‘Akhlaq-e Dhameemah’ (blameworthy manners) as they are condemned and criticised, such as slandering, pride, greed, telling lies, and gossiping.

The significance of Akhlaq cannot be truly appreciated. The success of humanity depends on Akhlaq. Akhlaq enables humankind to attain perfection and happiness and to live purely. Good manners are so invaluable that they enliven the environment in which they exist and elevate those who possess them to lofty ranks and stations. Deprivation in good manners, on the other hand, is the biggest calamity.

The sun of virtue does not shine on societies that lack akhlaq, nor do the stars of bliss twinkle, nor do the brooks of spiritual progress babble. The traces of real civilization cannot be seen in such societies.
The social life of humanity is a perfect witness to the importance and value of Akhlaq. The most prosperous, peaceful, and happiest eras for nations, when we look at history, were the eras when they possessed good moral values. Whenever they abandoned those refined values, they underwent many ordeals, suffered in many ways, and perished.

Hence, Islam emphasizes the importance of Akhlaq. The Prophet Sallallâhu Alayhi Wa Sallam used to supplicate, “O Rabb (Lord)! I ask from Your Holy Being good health, wellbeing and good Akhlaq”. At another occasion, Nabi Sallallâhu Alayhi Wa Sallam also said, “The greatest thing Allâh Ta‘âlâ created is a good character. The happiness of man is with good character. Bad character is regarded as the shaqawah (misery) of man.” These Hadith Sharifs are enough to show the grandness of Akhlaq.

nowadays, there are a lot of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, WeChat and many others. I am pretty sure that all of you have at least one account of them. There is nobody can stop you to have it. It is up to you and it is yours. So once it is Yours. You can do anything that you like. From here, we can see the real character someone. that is why we should remember ourselves to mind our words and our behavior anytime and anywhere even in the social media remember, what comes from your mouth, it also comes from your heart &speech is a picture of the heart.

Md Mehedi Hasan,
Student, International Islamic University Chittagong.

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