October 16, 2024, 4:23 pm

Adviser Nahid rejects Rokeya University’s honourary award

Staff Reporter
Published: Saturday, October 12, 2024

At the 16th anniversary of Begum Rokeya University Rangpur’s (BRUR) founding, the major guest’s honorary memento was turned down by Interim Government Information Advisor Nahid Islam.

Two teachers who participated in the attack on the students during the anti-discrimination student movement and the murder of Abu Sayed were allegedly “honoured” on the event platform, despite protests from BRUR students.

During his chief guest speech at the university’s jubilee celebration on Saturday afternoon, Nahid made his announcement.

At the end of his speech, a student stood up and opposed giving an Honourary Memento to Kamlesh Roy, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and President of the Bangabandhu Parishad, and Shafiq Ashraf, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts.

The student stated: “We cannot accept the awarding of honours to those who have supported fascism. One of those being honoured, Kamalesh Roy, is an associate of the tyrant and incited violence against the movement. The other, Shafiq Ashraf, wrote a controversial column after Abu Sayed’s death. Awarding them honours is a betrayal of Abu Sayed’s blood.”

Another student added: “There are still associates of fascism government in the university’s academic and administrative structures. If they are not removed and the university administration is not reformed, we will warn of a movement with the students.”

In response, Nahid Islam said: “We mentioned after forming the government that those who led the anti-discrimination movement from outside have stated that our uprising is not over. A second mass uprising may be necessary if needed because we believe that the fascist structure still remains. Our one-point demand has been the abolition of that fascist system. This must be addressed, whether in society or at the university. A new Vice-Chancellor has come to the university, and I will urge him to take these issues seriously.”

“You have complained that fascist associates have been honoured in my presence. Since I was also given an honour from the same stage, I did not accept it. Perhaps one day will come when I can come to a fascism-free BRUR, bringing the capability to meet the students’ demands. On that day, I will accept genuine honours.”

He then left the stage.

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